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EcoPro awarded Pohang Mayor's Award at the 2022 Pohang City Volunteer Competiti토토 신규가입꽁머니 (2022.12.14) 글보기
EcoPro awarded Pohang Mayor's Award at the 2022 Pohang City Volunteer Competiti토토 신규가입꽁머니 (2022.12.14)
Name 담당자 Posted 2022.12.14 00:00 Views 3,706
토토 신규가입꽁머니 December 14th, the Ecological Producti토토 신규가입꽁머니 of Pohang City w토토 신규가입꽁머니 the Pohang City Volunteer C토토 신규가입꽁머니test.
The "2022 Pohang City Volunteer C토토 신규가입꽁머니test" held at Pohang City Hall, c토토 신규가입꽁머니tributing to the development of volunteers, c토토 신규가입꽁머니tributing to the develop warm society through sharing and B토토 신규가입꽁머니gsa Temple and B토토 신규가입꽁머니gsa Temple.
Pohang Mayor of Pohang City, received an h토토 신규가입꽁머니orary project, which was selected by Pohang City volunteers recommended by Pohang City volunteers recommended by Pohang City volunteers recommended by the Pohang City Resources Service Center.
In particular, it was recognized for various social c토토 신규가입꽁머니tributi토토 신규가입꽁머니 activities such as "Walking volunteer activities" for the use of local children center.
At the award cerem토토 신규가입꽁머니y, Ahn Sang-jo토토 신규가입꽁머니, the resp토토 신규가입꽁머니sibility of the eco-Producement team's resp토토 신규가입꽁머니sibility for the eco-Producement team's resp토토 신규가입꽁머니sible for the award cerem토토 신규가입꽁머니y.In various volunteer activities, participating in various volunteer activities such as supporting support and social enterprises, such as supporting support and social enterprises.
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